Legends of Islam — Saifuddin Kuduz & Muhammed Al-Fateh

A Muslim Friend
2 min readDec 28, 2018
Legends of Islam — Saifuddin Kuduz

The prophet Muhammed(sallallahu alaihi wassalam) prophesied:

Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her
leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!

The sahabah were eager fulfill this prophecy because of the glory it brings. It came to the time of Uthman(Radhiyallahu anhu) who himself attempts to liberate Constantinople which was the stronghold of the Byzantic empire. He sends Muawia(Radhiyallahu anhu) to liberate it. He was unable to do so because it was the stronghold and the Romans were smart. Then Harun Ibn Rashid tries to liberate it and the chain goes on and on. No one of the great Khalifas can liberate Constantinople.

Saifuddin Kuduz was a slave. He had a dream of liberating Egypt which he did. To this end he was sold to a woman who later became a leader in Egypt. Then she had a problem and was ousted, after which Saifuddin Kuduz took over leadership. This was a young man who took leadership and then there was an attack on Egypt from the Mongolis which he faced and overcame. He was a reviver of the Ummah.

Muhammed Al-Fateh was from the Uthmani Khilafah and son of Muradisnani (Murad the second). He was brought up with the knowledge of Islam. All the legends of Islam were brought up with knowledge. He was knowledgeable in Quran, fiqh and Hadiths. He looked at the hadith of the prophet and 800+ years after the Hijrah and he conquers Constantinople. Certainly it didn’t come easy!!

Listen to the lecture on Legends of Islam — Saifuddin Kuduz & Muhammed Al-Fateh by Ahmad Jibril:

Saifuddin Kuduz & Muhammed Al-Fatehby Ahmad Jibril

